Voter Intimidation, fraud and frank talk on both sides!

October 9, 2008

This fax was sent to the Glacier County Elections Judge describing election violations and potential fraud in the 2006 election (Brian Schweitzer voter fraud claims – written, video).  The fax describes ballots leaving the polling place and others signing the voter sign in sheet for someone else.  Come on Montana wake up- lets clean up these elections and be honest.

Don’t forget the green voter cards- if you did I will remind you.  This card was given to voters at the doors of the polling place by Carol Juneau, then a free dinner was offered to the voters after they voted – this was hosted in the Browning school which is run by Carol’s husband.  Juneau might sound familiar right?  Yes, it’s the same Juneau that is a candidate fro OPI – Denise Juneau, Carol’s daughter.

Another priceless piece of election propaganda!

What’s going on in Cut Bank and Browning?  I thought Governor Brian Schweitzer was supposed to solve all these problems, I guess not. There should be an investigation into these voter fraud facts, or at least the Department of Justice should send poll watchers to oversee elections in Montana to ensure honest elections.  Since Forward Montana is the ACORN of Montana we need to be careful that the same voter fraud that took place in 2006 will happen again.  Forward Montana should expose all of their contacts with organizations such as ACORN, provide total and complete disclosure of funding and their employees and if any are convicted felons.

Since former Representative and Forward Montana employee Kevin Fury is married to Brian Schweitzer’s press secretary, Sara Elliott, we need to have all the phone records and emails opened up for the last four years…it just seems like the ties run pretty deep.  Governor Brian Schweitzer promised open government and delivered nothing except hiring several sitting Legislators (Kevin Furey, Eve Franklin, Sam Kitzenberg and Mike Cooney as well as many others) for cushy government jobs, committing electioneering-voter fraud and intimidating legislators and others to get his way.  Keep your promise and OPEN GOVERNMENT NOW and quite taking government Junkets!!!!

Voter fruad Montana 2006????

October 4, 2008

The 2006 election of Jon Tester and the comments Brian Schweitzer made to the trial attorneys in July bring about bad feelings.  Will the 2008 elections be fraught with democrat voter fraud?

I believe it will.


1. In 2007 a Lawsuit regarding voter fraud was filed in federal court, but later withdrawn.

2. Steve Bullock was the attorney that defended Big Horn County against the voter fraud charges. Page 8 of complaint

3. Mike McGrath was the attorney defending the State of Montana against the voter fraud charges. Yet the candidate for the Chief of the Supreme Court (Mike McGrath) said that the Governor is just joking and would not follow up for fear that there was truth to his “joking”.

4. Brian Schweitzer and Jon Tester went to the AAJ Convention (trial attorney’s convention in Seattle).

5. Carol Juneau intimidates voters in Browning by electioneering at the polling place and passing out voter cards for all Indians, then offering them a free dinner at the Browning school where her husband is the superintendent – don’t forget the Democrat van and loud speaker system that was telling people how to vote, and you had better vote democrat.

6. Big Horn county not locking up ballot boxes. (This was defended by Bullock – running for Attorney General)

“On November 11, 2006 Plaintiff Kortlander called Defendant Johnson, Secretary of State, and informed the Secretary that there were unlocked ballot boxes at precincts 5 and 7 located within the exterior of boundaries of the Crow Indian Reservation, and that Plaintiff Coddens, a non-tribal poll watcher was ordered by enrolled Crow tribal members serving as Big Horn County election judges to leave the precinct before the processing of the ballots was completed.” Page 8 of complaint

7. Poll watcher was removed just like Brian Schweitzer said. Page 8 of complaint

8. “Prior to Election Day, the government of the Crow Tribe issued multiple tribal identification cards to both herself and others, with separate cards in both their Crow and American names”. Page 8 of complaint

9. “Although the federally-funded government of the Crow Tribe endorsed a slate of tribal candidates for non-tribal offices and expended sums in excess of applicable limits, Defendants have not required the Tribe to register as a political action committee or report its expenditures. – The Tribe violated Montanas campaign laws”. Page 7 of complaint

10.  The Crow tribe governs by fear, almost forcing their members to vote illegally. e-mail from Political Practices.

11.  Just more info from Browning regarding intimidation, fear and hatred of those that are not Native Americans.

There will be more information coming, and there is a lot to do.  Is this what our country is coming to?  Brian Schweitzer thinks this is funny,  Mike McGrath refuses to look into the comments “he’s just joking” and then you have Steve Bullock- he’s defending it.

And, finally the silence from Jon Tester is just defining.  Senator Tester, Montana challenges you to stand up and investigate this type of voter fraud!!!!!!!!!!